Rape After Consent: Comprehending Dynamics of Severe Sadistic Sexual Abuse

This panel discussion addresses the phenomenon of "severe sexual sadism", and reviews the practices of sexual predators who instigate non-consensual physical and sexual assault after first initiating sexual activity with a consenting partner. In addition to introducing the concept of severe sexual sadism as a clinical phenomenon, contributors will discuss varying definitions of sexual consent, sexual violence and sexual assault, and will review relevant challenges and best practices for practitioners in social services, healthcare settings, and legal and law enforcement spheres.

This event is recommended for clinicians and social workers, sexual assault response teams, attorneys, and law enforcement, and is also open to the interested public.

Please RSVP here.

Monday, November 4, 2019 - 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Mercado La Paloma
3655 S. Grand Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90007
Conference Room
Located in Southeast corner of the building